
Текстовое описание

Сахарный диабет:


Толщина сетчатки в проекции фовеа: мкм

Фовеальный контур:

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Данный сервис может помочь врачу в выявлении признаков следующих патологий: кистозный макулярный отек (в том числе диабетический макулярный отек), хориоидальная неоваскуляризация, ретинальные друзы, макулярный разрыв, центральная серозная хориопатия, витреомакулярная тракция, эпиретинальная мембрана.

Demo Version

To analyze your own optical coherence tomography scans and use the full functionality of the module, you need to accept

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Requirements for optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans

  1. Scans must not contain the patient's personal data (last name, first name, date of birth, diagnosis, etc.), as well as information constituting a state secret, medical secret and other information protected by law;
  2. Images format: grayscale images;
  3. Minimum image resolution: 480x480 pixels;
  4. Supported image formats: .jpeg, .png, .bmp;
  5. Analysis requires at least one retinal scan passing through the foveola area, increasing the number OCT scans provided for analysis contributes to an increase in the accuracy of pathological detection. structures.


The presence of artifacts on OCT scans, poor image quality due to clouding of optical media or other reasons can adversely affect the operation of the program and lead to false results. For quality and compliance with the requirements of uploaded images is the responsibility of the user.


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The service is currently under development. For more information contact us: support@screenretina.com.

Differential Diagnosis
